Is Kópavogur embracing immigrants?

Kristín Sævars
Kristín Sævarsdóttir A candidate for Samfylkingin (The Social Democratic Alliance) in the municipal election taking place in Kópavogur 31st of May.

About 2.500 of the residents of Kópavogur are born in other countries. That is 8% of the population.

I often wonder how it is for immigrants to move to Kópavogur. How was it for you? Did you feel welcome? Did you experience prejudice from your fellow citizens? Was it clear for you how to enlist your children in school or in day care? What about sport activities, do you know what Kópavogur has to offer?  How is it for people who don´t speak Icelandic to get around in the public administration of Kópavogur? Are you familiar with the rent benefits? What about the activities for the adolescents and the clubs for teenagers? Do you know all about that? Is it possible for teenagers to get a job during summer holidays? Where do you turn if you have problems in the family because of sickness, financial problems or other problems?

Kó – only in Icelandic

How is it for people who do not speak Icelandic to settle into Kópavogur? Is it easy to get around in the system? Is the webpage: www.Kó an open book for you? Do you understand Icelandic well enough to make use of the information given on the webpage? In my opinion it is very difficult for people who don´t speak Icelandic fluently to understand the information given. That is not good enough performance from the second largest town in Iceland.

Everyone is equal and has human rights irrespective of gender, religion, nationality, race, colour, economic status, national origin or any other grounds. In Kópavogur we need to respect that by providing more information for residents who have not yet learned Icelandic well enough to read the small print. Kó should be translated into English and at least one other language spoken by a large part of the residents in Kópavogur. Kópavogur should make it easier for people of foreign origin to get to know their rights and their duties as residents in Kópavogur.

X-S. Better Kópavogur – for all of us

The people of Kópavogur should be proud and happy with the decision that you decided to move here. The movement of people in the world has enriched social diversity and will continue to do so. We should therefore embrace immigrants and the Social Democratic Alliance will do so. Put your X in front ofthe S on the 31st of May.

That is how we will get a better Kópavogur – for all of us.

-Kristín Sævarsdóttir
A candidate for Samfylkingin (The Social Democratic Alliance) in the municipal election taking place in Kópavogur 31st of May.


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